
Our Industrial Packaging solutions offer you the possibility to make your own choices with regard to your environmental footprint.
With our packaging materials “Tallstretch film”, “Tallstrap strapping band” and “Grip Sheets” you can accelerate your sustainability, without compromising on pallet stabilityIt is unlikely that plastics will ever be replaced by another, similar material.
For example, stretch film and strapping tape is strong, simple & practical to use, inexpensive, offers good load protection, optimal protection against weather influences / UV of the secondary packaging. Plastic is therefore a keeper. Literally and figuratively.
The solution from Tallpack International to reduce plastic impact.
If we want to do something about the use of raw materials and environmental pollution through plastic, there are roughly 5 options:
1. put less plastic into circulation
2. make biodegradable and / or biobased plastic
3. collect and recycle plastic
4. apply Grip Sheet for pallet stacking
5. apply Grip Fix® non-slip glue
Tallstretch NEXT-Generation
PET-strap 100% recycable
Produced from 100% recycled PET
Grip Sheet anti-slip sheets
Produced from 100% recycled papier
Again 100% recycable
No chemical additives
Less stretchfilm needed
Grip Fix® antisliplijm
Free from chemical solvents
Less stretch film needed
Let us take our responsibility for the environment and use our solutions, so together we can positively influence the “plastic soup”, amount of micro-plastics and our CO2 footprint.
That is our way of collaboration!